Well not really, but it seems like such a long time, looking back. I guess because we had class everyday, and there was so much work - but it was so fun! I don't really understand why, usually I hate learning languages. I love Japanese though, even though I am miserable at it. I am at this point pretty confident I will be taking it next semester, assuming I don't screw up to much on the final exam. Currently I am enrolled for 2:00 again, in Cabel B020.
It is so cool to watch a japanese film or something an d understand parts. I wrote a term paper for my music class on Derrick May, and my brother sent me a great youtube video from I guess a japanese TV show that interviewed May, and I could understand a surprising amount. My brother took Chinese a few years ago, and when he was home for thanksgiving, he asked me how Japanese write china, and I wrote it for him (it's the same, apparently,) and he said I had really good stroke order - things like that make me feel good about this class. Yeah I might screw up, a lot even, but I think I have a pretty good foundation - I don't really have any loose ends, and I didn't learn anything wrong at least. I just screw up talking because I get nervous.
So I will see some of you next semester hopefully in 102, and the rest of you, thanks for helping me when I needed it, I am glad I was in the 2:00 section even if we weren't as good as some of the others. I think we had a lot of fun, and I hope to see you guys around sometime.
フランースのやすみ - final draft!
私 はチャロッツビルからきました。私はいまとこどもの時、私はチャロッツビルにいました。でも、十二さいの時、私はフランースに行きました。私のかぞくはフランースに行きました、私の学こうは七月やすみがあ りましたから。ひこうきにのって、パリに行きました。パリで一しゅうかんいて、まい日あそびました。パリは とてもきれいなまちですから、私はパリがすきです。木とおもしろいたてものがたくさんありますから、パリはきれいです。たてものはえいがで、’アルキテチャ’です。まいばん、おいしいレストラ ンで食べました。私はフランースの食べものがすきです。あとで、私のかぞくはでんしゃにのって、 クロンジェに行きました。クロンジェはちいさいまちです。ク ロンジェはフランースの西にあって、ラ・ロシェルのそばにあります。クロンジェはとてもきれいまちですよ。私のおとうさんのともだちで行きました。おなまえはウルスラです。このいえはでん気がありませんでしたから、私とおねえさん とテレビをみてはいけませんでしたから、たくさん本をよみました。それから、いっしょうにきんごうでハイキングをしました。きんごうはえいがでカンツリサイド’です。クロンジェではたくさん木と川がありましたから、とてもきれいでした。やすみはしずかでしたが、とてもたのしいでした。
peer reading
I thought peer reading was actually kind of fun. It was interesting to read other people's speeches, and it made me less nervous that my speech was totally the wrong kind of thing and I was just going to fail miserably. It was kind of hectic, but that is okay. I actually did a peer review of チュアさん's post on 日本語のクラス instead, and in the end had to peer review hers on her blog! But in the end we all got peer reviewed, and did some reading, and it turned out just peachy. It was funny that maybe one of the least helpful parts was the actual rubrik - the only really practical comments were about tiny grammar mistakes and typos. What was useful was to talk to friends about it, and be reassured that it isn't awful before you hand it in to さと先生。
In other news, speech on monday. I am worried. When we were dialoguing in class, I would be doing just fine - until さと先生 came to watch us talking, then I would forget what I was saying, and it would all just disappear. If anyone wants to practice over the weekend, I am a dude who also does, so let's get do it to it.
In other news, speech on monday. I am worried. When we were dialoguing in class, I would be doing just fine - until さと先生 came to watch us talking, then I would forget what I was saying, and it would all just disappear. If anyone wants to practice over the weekend, I am a dude who also does, so let's get do it to it.
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